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Nitrogen management

N-Edge Pro® nominated for 2022 Product of the Year

The Scoop magazine nominated N-Edge Pro for The Scoop New Product of the Year competition.
Nov 11, 2022

N-Edge Pro is a fertilizer additive for urea and urea ammonium nitrate (UAN) to minimize nitrogen losses by reducing ammonia volatilization, leaching and denitrification. Up to 95% of the nitrogen applied is at risk for environmental loss, and N-Edge Pro helps to protect against these three forms of nitrogen loss.

This is a powerful agronomic tool to fine-tune fertility programs, protect against nitrogen loss to the environment, and grow higher yields with your fertilizer investments.

N-Edge Pro is formulated with industry-proven NBPT and DCD as dual modes of action to prevent volatilization and denitrification above ground and lessen the risk from leaching below ground. The new formulation offers the convenience of two modes of action, faster drying, and easy handling.

Winners will be announced in a future issue of The Scoop.

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