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Nitrogen management

Protect your nitrogen above and below ground

Get the best of both worlds this growing season. Protect your nitrogen above and below ground using NBPT and DCD stabilizers.
Jan 25, 2022

Did you know that as much as 95% of your nitrogen investment this spring is at risk of loss? When nitrogen is lost, potential yield and profit are lost, too. After nitrogen is applied, nitrogen-stealing threats like volatilization, leaching and de-nitrification move quickly. Fortunately, NBPT stabilizers and DCD inhibitors can prevent these losses and provide above and below ground protection.

NBPT Stabilizers

N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide, commonly known as NBPT, is a urease inhibitor that protects against nitrogen loss through the volatilization stage of the nitrogen cycle. To protect nitrogen available to the plants above ground, use of NBPT slows down the process of urease enzymes breaking down and volatizing into the atmosphere. When NBPT stabilizers are blended with urea it can provide above ground protection of applied nitrogen, protecting your fertilizer investment.

DCD Inhibitors

Nitrogen loss through the de-nitrification and leaching stages of the nitrogen cycle takes place below ground. To protect nitrogen available to plants below the surface, Dicyandiamide or DCD, a nitrification inhibitor, can be used to shut down and block the Nitrosomonas bacteria activity in the soil that is responsible for the conversion of ammonium to nitrite and then to nitrate, an unstable source of nitrogen for the crop.

Best of Both Worlds – N-Edge Pro

Get the best of both worlds this growing season. Protect your nitrogen above and below ground with N-Edge® Pro, an NBPT and DCD combination nitrogen stabilizer that provides protection against volatility, leaching and de-nitrification in both below and above ground applications. The technology reduces nitrogen loss by inhibiting urease enzymes from breaking down urea and slowing the conversion of urea to ammonia gas. N-Edge® Pro helps keep nitrogen available longer in the root zone, providing greater opportunity for healthy crops that will reach their maximum yield potential.

For more information on N-Edge® Pro or other nitrogen management solutions, talk to your local CHS Agronomy retailer.

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