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Syngenta corn

Spots, molds, rots and more!

Want to see more green and less disease in your fields this season?
Jun 26, 2024

As you’re planning your final crop protection applications and preparing to scout for disease threats, know what to watch out for and how to spot them.

Corn disease watchlist

Tar Spot – This disease begins showing as a flecking and mild yellowing on the corn leaves before it develops into raised, black, circular fungal structures – often mistaken for tar - that cannot be rubbed off. Tar Spot has quickly spread and grown into a leading disease threat, now appearing in more than 19 states.

Gray leaf spot – You can find gray leaf spot on the lower leaves of your corn in warm and humid environments. These lesions begin as a spot with a halo before elongating into a rectangular lesion running parallel to the veins of the leaf. This causes the leaves to turn gray in color.

Fusarium or Gibberella ear rot – A growing concern for many growers, Gibberella and Fusarium ear rot were two of the leading causes of yield loss in 2023. To spot ear rot, look towards the tip of the ear. Keep an eye out for powdery spores that are blue, green or pink in color, or white mold. Ear rots may appear as these different colors depending on which fungus is causing the rot.


Syngenta corn

Scouting soybean diseases

Frogeye leaf spot – These spots are recognized by a reddish-brown or purple ring surrounding the spots. As the lesions age, they turn light brown or gray - the centers of the lesions will either fall away or turn white with black specks.


forgeye leaf spot


White mold – On your soybeans, white mold will begin as a gray or white lesion at the node before it develops into a white, cotton-like mold. This disease can survive in your soil for many years and kills the plant from the point of infection upwards. White mold was the second biggest yield-robbing soybean disease in 2023, causing almost 30 million lost bushels.

Protect your crops with Miravis Neo


Syngenta data


If you wait until you see signs of disease to apply your fungicide, you‘re already missing out on your maximum yield potential. Instead, consider a preventive application of a broad-spectrum Cleaner & Greener fungicide – like Miravis® Neo – to protect your crops from the listed diseases, stress and more to help boost your bottom line.


Miravis Neo data


Powered by a combination of propiconazole, azoxystrobin and exclusive ADEPIDYN® technology, Miravis Neo sets the standard in providing more value for your corn and soybeans. With preventive and curative control, plant-health benefits and a lower cost per day of residual control compared to other brands, Miravis Neo can help you see more green in your fields, on your yield monitor and in your pocket.

To learn more about scouting for prevalent diseases in your area and potential solutions like Miravis Neo, visit

Syngenta hereby disclaims any liability for third party websites referenced herein.

Product performance assumes disease presence. Performance assessments are based upon results or analysis of public information, field observations and/or internal Syngenta evaluations. Trials reflect treatment rates commonly recommended in the marketplace.

The trademarks or service marks displayed or otherwise used herein are the property of a Syngenta Group Company. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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