Enhanced efficiency
Soygreen® Granular 2.4
Granular ortho-ortho EDDHA chelated iron fertilizer
Soygreen Granular 2.4 is a superior granular ortho-ortho EDDHA chelated iron product formulated for air seeder application.
Features and benefits
Ortho-ortho EDDHA chelate increases the availability of iron to overcome IDC
Convenient easy-to-use IDC product formulated for air seeder application
The most effective iron in agriculture
Chelated with the purest ortho-ortho EDDHA that exists, Soygreen brands are the leading micronutrient for overcoming iron deficiency chlorosis in soybeans. Exclusively distributed by CHS Agronomy, Soygreen is an iron (Fe) formula developed for soybeans and other crops suffering from iron deficiency chlorosis. It has the purest and highest concentration of ortho-ortho EDDHA chelate compared to other premium micronutrient products. This chelating agent keeps the iron (Fe) soluble for uptake, and even makes other nutrients in the soil available to the plant.
Product details
- Soygreen Granular 2.4 is a granular formulation of iron fertilizer chelated with ortho-ortho EDDHA that significantly improves the availability of iron to field crops grown in areas with a history of iron deficiency chlorosis
- The 2.4% iron formulation has a higher use rate which provides increased product distribution in the furrow, giving broader control of IDC
- Manufactured utilizing a superior ortho-ortho EDDHA chelate compared to other products utilizing a less plant available chelate
- Most effective and proven IDC product on the market, with an unparalleled concentration of ortho ortho EDDHA chelate
In-furrow: 2.5-7.5lb/A
In-furrow, soil applied
600 lb bags | 2,000 lb

Chelation makes fertilizer work. And since there are different types of chelate, there are different types of fertilizer performance. The concentration of ortho-ortho EDDHA in Soygreen is so strong and so pure that it even makes other micronutrients in the soil soluble for uptake.

When pH levels are above 7, the soil is basic. And soils with these highly alkaline pH levels often prevent plant roots from reducing iron to a soluble state.

If plant roots can’t take up ferrous iron (FE2+), they become deficient. The symptoms that follow are weak plant vigor, yellowing leaves and total non-emergence in certain areas.

Iron is always in a ferric (FE3+) state when it’s in the soil. But plant roots need to reduce ferric iron (FE3+) into ferrous iron (FE2+) in order to make it soluble for uptake.

Soygreen not only has the purest form of ortho-ortho EDDHA, it also contained the highest percentage of water-soluble and stable iron at 80% compared to two imitators sold in 2016 at 47%.