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Allocate BCMZ

High-load liquid boron, copper, manganese and zinc blend

Allocate BCMZ is high load suspension fertilizer for impregnation on most types of dry fertilizer.

Features and benefits

An easy to use micronutrient suspension fertilizer for impregnating zinc, manganese, boron and copper

Can be used on Urea, AMS, DAP, MAP, Potash, and MES-10 allowing for even distribution of four critical micronutrients across the whole blend

Compatible with co-applications of Trivar®, Levesol® DFC ZN and the N-Edge® product family

Product details

  • Allocate BCMZ allows for the even application of zinc, manganese, boron and copper across a whole fertilizer blend increasing the distribution of these key micronutrients
  • This concentrated formulation keeps use rates low allowing for greater rate flexibility and better handling characteristics
  • The unique formulation technology in Allocate brands also allows for applications under cool and cold weather conditions with little effect on viscosity and it is easily cleaned up with water
Use rate

1-6 qt/ton or 8-20 fl oz/A depending on fertilizer

Application method

Broadcast application

Package sizes

125 gal tote


