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Nitrogen management

N-Edge® Soil 2

High-load DCD nitrogen stabilizer

N-Edge Soil 2 is a high-load DCD (dicyandiamide) nitrogen stabilizer that provides protection against leaching and denitrification with below-ground applications.

Features and benefits

Protects below-ground nitrogen applications from denitrification and leaching

Higher DCD percentage extends protection window

Enhanced solvent and low use rate offer enhanced mixing and handling

Safe and secure

Cut losses to the atmosphere, help ensure nitrogen moves to the root zone and protect fertilizer investments. N-Edge Soil 2 is a 30% high-load DCD (dicyandiamide) nitrogen stabilizer that provides protection against leaching and denitrification with below ground applications.

Product details

  • N-Edge Soil 2 helps keep nitrogen available longer in the root zone, providing greater opportunity for healthy crops that will reach their maximum yield potential.
  • New formulation offers enhanced protection with a higher percentage of DCD for a longer window of protection compared to other below ground applied products on the market.
  • Applications help fine-tune fertility programs, protect against ground water contamination, reduce greenhouse gasses, and grow more for every pound of fertilizer.
Use rate

Urea: 3 qt/ton
UAN: 2 qt/ton
Anhydrous Ammonia: 5-7 qt/ton

Application method

Broadcast, Aerial, Fertigation, injection/knifed in

Package sizes

2x2.5 gal   |   250 gal

Protect Nitrogen below ground.

  • Protects below ground nitrogen from denitrification and leaching
  • Blocks Nitrosomonas bacteria activity in the soil that causes loss
  • Higher DCD percentage extends protection window

Protect your fertilizer investment against leaching and denitrification. N-Edge Soil nitrogen stabilizer from CHS helps you keep nitrogen available longer in the root zone, providing greater opportunity for healthy crops that will reach their maximum yield potential.

3 forms of Nitrogen loss

There are 3 key ways nitrogen can be lost, volatilization, denitrification, and leaching. When added together, that is up to 95% of your nitrogen investment that is at risk of loss.

30% volatilization

30% can be lost to the atmosphere through volatilization

5-35% denitrification

5% - 35% can be lost through biological oxidation, or denitrification

30% leaching

As much as 30% can be leached, or lost through soil moisture

Protect nitrogen below ground 

Below ground protection

DCD Nitrification inhibitor blocks the activity of bacteria that turns ammonium into nitrate, which is susceptible to leaching and denitrification. Leaching moves nitrogen out of the root zone and denitrification changes the form of nitrogen, making it less available for crop uptake.

What gives N-Edge the edge

Penetrating agent

Ensures the proven active ingredient (NBPT) spreads throughout the treated granule.

Increased nitrogen efficiency

Creates an enhanced efficiency fertilizer for all crops, turf and forestry.

Superior handling

Penetrates better, dries faster and enables treated fertilizer to perform well under a wide range of conditions.

Improving nutrient management

Increases the nitrogen efficiency for all crops, turf and forestry by reducing nitrogen loss to the atmosphere.


