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Plant nutrition

N-Ertia 26

Slow release nutrition

N-Ertia 26 contains a low salt, highly efficient source of nitrogen that is intended to improve nitrogen use efficiency while increasing crop yields.

Features and benefits

Highly effective source of foliar slow release nitrogen in a low salt formulation for excellent plant safety

Supplements and increases nitrogen efficiency in the plant

Product details

  • N-Ertia 26 contains a low salt, highly efficient source of nitrogen that is intended to improve nitrogen use efficiency while increasing crop yields
  • This formula may allow for more complete and rapid nitrogen absorption while aiding in the uptake and translocation of other tank mixed nutrients
  • N-Ertia 26 may be applied as a foliar spray on a wide array of agricultural crops to correct nitrogen deficiencies and/or improve growth
  • N-Ertia 26 contains 2.6 lb of nitrogen per gallon
Use rate

1-3 gal/A

Application method

Foliar application

Package sizes

250 gal   |   Bulk


