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Starter fertilizer

Micro Pak®

Micronutrient blend, 4% nitrogen, 5% potassium, 3% sulfur, 0.5% boron, 1% manganese, 4.5% zinc

Micro Pak is most beneficial when a condition exists that is hampering the availability or uptake of a particular nutrient.

  • Low organic matter/sandy soils– Cool/cold soil conditions 
  • Stressed soils (saturated or droughty) 
  • High pH– Excessive phosphorus 
  • Excessive rainfall event in spring

Features and benefits

Micronutrient blend of key nutrients chelated with EDTA to broaden its compatibility with starter fertilizers and pesticides. The addition of Micro Pak can alleviate key micronutrient deficiencies.

Product details

  • Micro Pak is formulated with the highest quality ingredients available.
  • 2 qt/A of Micro Pak delivers 1 qt/A of a fully chelated 9% zinc.
  • Micro Pak is compatible with most polyphosphate and orthophosphate fertilizers and is compatible with other fertilizer additives
Use rate

1-2 qt/A

Application method

Starter and foliar applications

Package sizes

2x2.5 gal, 275 gal tote


