Starter fertilizer
Micro Pak®
Micronutrient blend, 4% nitrogen, 5% potassium, 3% sulfur, 0.5% boron, 1% manganese, 4.5% zinc
Micro Pak is most beneficial when a condition exists that is hampering the availability or uptake of a particular nutrient.
- Low organic matter/sandy soils– Cool/cold soil conditions
- Stressed soils (saturated or droughty)
- High pH– Excessive phosphorus
- Excessive rainfall event in spring
Features and benefits
Product details
- Micro Pak is formulated with the highest quality ingredients available.
- 2 qt/A of Micro Pak delivers 1 qt/A of a fully chelated 9% zinc.
- Micro Pak is compatible with most polyphosphate and orthophosphate fertilizers and is compatible with other fertilizer additives
Use rate
1-2 qt/A
Application method
Starter and foliar applications
Package sizes
2x2.5 gal, 275 gal tote