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Volatility reducing agent

Tank mix adjuvant that delivers additional Vaporgrip® Technology to spray tanks for further reduction of potential dicamba volatility.

Features and benefits

Reduces the formation of dicamba acid (DCH) in solution

Minimizes volatility potential of dicamba after spraying

Buffers against significant changes in solution pH

Product details

  • VaporGrip Technology buffers against significant changes in solution pH and prevents the formation of dicamba acid by scavenging extraneous protons
  • VaporGrip Xtra Agent is a tank mix adjuvant that delivers additional Vaporgrip Technology to spray tanks for further reduction of potential dicamba volatility
  • Has been thoroughly tested and validated to bring you the best volatility reduction
Use rate

4x use rate detail

  • 128 oz/A: Roundup PowerMAX® Herbicide
  • 88 oz/A: XtendiMax® Herbicide with VaporGrip Technology
  • 2% v/v: Approved DRA
  • 80 oz/A: VaporGrip Xtra Agent
Application method

Ground application

Package sizes

2x2.5 gal   |   250 gal   |   275 gal   |   Bulk


