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Enhanced efficiency

Broadcast fertilizer and phosphorus tie up

Broadcast fertilizer remains one of the most popular application methods for phosphate fertilizer, but it also raises the odds of phosphorus tie-up.
Aug 28, 2022

Since phosphorus is essential for plant growth and optimum yields, it is vital for retailers and growers to find ways to better utilize applied phosphorus in their fields. That starts by freeing it in the soil with chelates, but also involves keeping it in a plant available form.

CHS Agronomy created a broadcast fertilizer additive, Trivar®, specifically for broadcast phosphorus application. Trivar, powered by the Levesol chelate, safeguards growers’ fertilizer investment by mobilizing phosphorus and other nutrients with three modes of action.

1. Preventing Nutrient Tie-Up

Using the patented Levesol chelate, Trivar prevents micronutrients like Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu from binding with phosphorus in the soil. This leaves more phosphorus available for uptake and increases overall nutrient efficiency within the plant, leading to healthier plants and improved yield.

2. Converts unavailable P to available P

Trivar’s second mode of action uses a nutrient focused enzyme to convert organic phosphorus to plant available inorganic phosphorus. The phosphatase enzyme starts working in the soil immediately to free up the most unavailable phosphorus from the soil. Trivar contains trillions of concentrated enzymes, each with the ability to drive thousands of reactions, converting phosphorus to a plant-available form.

3. Uniform Nutrient Distribution

The third mode of action adds zinc and boron to every one of the product’s granules. Both zinc and boron are highly responsive in crops, driving critical plant growth and development. Boron drives root development and helps regulate calcium, magnesium, and potassium in the plant, while zinc is important in the plant’s protein intake ability.

Trivar has a low use rate, and fertilizer applicators impregnate 3-4 quarts to each ton of phosphorus-based fertilizer applied. Trivar is effective in both fall and spring broadcast and should be used across all cropping systems that could benefit from additional nutrient availability. Trivar also takes less time to impregnate on phosphate fertilizer than other commonly used impregnated products.

To learn more about Trivar, contact your CHS agronomy representative.

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