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Combatting foliar diseases in potatoes

Foliar diseases pose a significant threat to potato yield and quality, and effective management of these diseases is essential for ensuring high-quality production.
Vive Crop Protection
Jul 2, 2024

Essential strategies for healthy yields

In the intricate world of agriculture, maintaining the health of potato crops is paramount. Foliar diseases pose a significant threat to potato yield and quality, and effective management of these diseases is essential for ensuring high-quality production.

Foliar diseases can wreak havoc on agricultural productivity, causing yield losses and compromising crop quality. Potatoes are particularly susceptible to diseases like early blight and late blight, which, if left unchecked, can devastate yields and severely impact the overall health of the crop. Understanding the impact and management of these diseases is crucial for potato growers.

Impact of foliar diseases on potato production

Early Blight: Early blight, caused by the fungus Alternaria solani, is a common foliar disease affecting potato crops. Symptoms typically appear as dark, concentric spots on older leaves, leading to leaf blight and defoliation. Severe infections can result in significant yield losses due to reduced photosynthetic activity and weakened plants. Early blight can also affect tuber quality, leading to blemished and undersized potatoes, which can reduce marketability.

Late Blight: Late blight, caused by the oomycete Phytophthora infestans, is another devastating foliar disease. It is infamous for its rapid spread and severe impact on potato crops. Symptoms include water-soaked lesions on leaves and stems, which quickly turn necrotic and can lead to complete plant collapse. Late blight can also infect tubers, causing rot and rendering them unmarketable. This disease thrives in cool, wet conditions, making it a persistent threat in many potato-growing regions.

Managing foliar diseases in potatoes

Effective management of foliar diseases in potatoes involves a combination of cultural practices, resistant varieties, and chemical control measures. Here are some key strategies for managing these diseases:

  1. Crop Rotation and Sanitation: Rotating crops and practicing good field sanitation can help reduce the inoculum levels of foliar pathogens. Avoid planting potatoes in the same field year after year, and remove and destroy infected plant debris to minimize disease carryover.
  2. Resistant Varieties: Choosing potato varieties with resistance to early and late blight can significantly reduce the impact of these diseases. While no variety is entirely immune, resistant varieties can withstand infections better and reduce the need for chemical interventions.
  3. Fungicide Applications: Fungicides play a crucial role in managing foliar diseases. Products like AZterknot fungicide offer targeted protection against a wide range of pathogens while providing an added boost of plant health. These fungicides work by inhibiting the growth and spread of fungal pathogens, protecting the crop from infection. Powered by Precision Chemistry™, AZterknot delivers targeted protection against a wide range of pathogens while also providing an added boost of plant health from the biostimulant (RSE), enhancing growth efficiency and increasing stress tolerance. What sets AZterknot apart is its efficacy and versatility, providing long-lasting disease control while minimizing the risk of resistance development. Moreover, its systemic action ensures thorough coverage and protection, even under challenging environmental conditions. Applying AZterknot is straightforward, offering convenience and flexibility to farmers. Whether through foliar or in-furrow applications, AZterknot integrates seamlessly into existing crop management practices. Like all of Vive’s Precision Chemistry solutions, AZterknot can be mixed with liquid fertilizers, micronutrients, and other crop inputs for an easier and more efficient crop protection application. For optimal performance, Vive recommends applying AZterknot fungicide at row closure at 14-18 oz/acre followed by a second application 14 days later.
  4. Proper Irrigation Management: Managing irrigation to avoid prolonged leaf wetness can help reduce the risk of foliar diseases. Drip irrigation or watering at the base of the plants can minimize leaf wetness and lower disease pressure.
  5. Monitoring and Timely Interventions: Regularly monitoring potato crops for signs of foliar diseases is essential. Early detection allows for timely interventions, such as fungicide applications, to prevent the spread and escalation of infections.

AZterknot data

Why foliar disease control matters

Foliar diseases like early blight and late blight pose significant challenges to potato production, impacting both yield and quality. Implementing integrated disease management strategies, including crop rotation, resistant varieties, proper irrigation, and timely fungicide applications, is crucial for maintaining healthy potato crops. By understanding and addressing the threats posed by foliar diseases, potato growers can safeguard their crops and ensure robust, high-quality yields.

For more information on managing foliar diseases in potatoes, visit Vive Crop Protection.

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