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Enhanced efficiency

Soygreen® Pro

Liquid ortho-ortho EDDHA chelated iron solution

Soygreen Pro is manufactured utilizing a superior chelating process compared to other processes widely used in the fertilizer industry. Soygreen Pro is designed to improve the availability of iron to field crops.

Features and benefits

Improves the availability of iron, helping crops overcome IDC

Low use rate and viscosity, allowing good operational efficiency

Product details

  • Soygreen Pro is manufactured utilizing a superior chelating process compared to other processes widely used in the fertilizer industry
  • Soygreen Pro is designed to improve the availability of iron to field crops; the target crop is soybeans grown in areas with a history of iron deficiency chlorosis
  • Field crops such as sorghum, sugar beets and legume crops have benefited from applications of Soygreen Pro, and other crops may benefit from Soygreen Pro applications when uptake of iron is a limiting factor
Use rate

In-furrow application: Mix 1-4 qt/A of product in water and apply at 2-10 gallons of solution per acre

Foliar application: 1.5 qt/A is the most common rate

Application method

In-furrow and foliar applications

Package sizes

2 x 2.5 gal   |   264 gal tote


